First plans were announced in the autumn of 2017 and then more or less waved by the member states and the EU committees. The scheme will start in January 2020 (for new type approvals) or one year later for all new cars and will be put into operation until 2026 as a trial phase. During this period, a report with the findings gained from it and the tendencies in terms of real vs. Standard consumption will be published. By 2030 at the latest, the EU Commission must formulate a concrete law to minimize the discrepancy and sanction manufacturers if the gap is still too large for them.
Exactly this discrepancy between consumption data according to standard and in reality is still blatant. According to the latest evaluation by the International Council on Clean Trasportation (ICCT), real consumption is on average 39 percent higher than the factory specification. Although this corresponds to a slight decline (the difference was still 42 percent in the previous year), it is still the second highest value since data analysis began in 2001.